Rascal is a cat with his own quilt.
Photo by Janice.
Fifi. Photo by Deonn Stott.
Cats on Quilts wants your photos! Send in your photo of a cat (or other “pet”) on a quilt (finished or in process of construction) to photo@catsonquilts.com today!
In memory of Fifi.
Photo by Deonn Stott.
Cats on Quilts is looking for your photos. Send in your photo of a cat (or other “pet”) on a quilt (finished or in process of construction) to photo@catsonquilts.com today!
photo by E. Rennie
Send in your photo of a cat (or other “pet”) on a quilt (finished or in process of construction) to photo@catsonquilts.com today!
Dr. Carmella, on the job. Photo by E. Rennie.